Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He's cute! :)

I just found out that one of our local actor lives in the same apartment building with me. He used to be quite popular a few years back but I guess with all these new young actors pouring into the industry, he has kind of mellowed down a bit. You can still catch him in some dramas or movies but I think lately he’s been more involved in producing dramas.

I was never really bothered about him before. As a matter of fact the feeling was more of ‘menyampah/boring’ to watch him on TV. I can’t remember why I felt that actually :). Anyway, I first noticed him a few months back at the parking lot of my apartment building and I was like “Hey….XXXX lives here too!”. We took the same lift and that was the first time I saw him closed-up. We just smiled and nodded at each other. That whole time in the lift I was thinking “eh..cute jugak mamat ni”. I wonder why I never realised it before.

I bumped into him a couple of times after that and it was still at the parking lot. Our ‘interaction’ developed from just a smile to a ‘Hi’. I have to admit, it was kind of exciting. The thrill was just like meeting a Hollywood star!! Oh well, since I can’t meet those Hollywood stars, I guess bumping into local stars is good enough already. Plus, he’s also cute! :) But don’t worry, its not that I have a major crush on him. Just for fun-fun only ok? :) So don’t you guys get any wrong ideas.

Anyway, speaking of crushes, during my younger days I used to have a major crush on Keanu Reeves. This was the time when he acted in ‘Speed’. I was so obsessed with the movie. I couldn’t even concentrate in class because every time I look at my teacher, I’ll see his face instead. In fact any guy I bump into, I would see Keanu. I would remember certain scenes from the movie and smile to myself. Later on after that I became fixated with the movie: ‘Legends of the fall’. And of course who better to be obsessed about than Brad Pitt. *drool*drool*. I had this huge poster of him in my room. Every time before going to bed, I would never forget to give him a goodnight kiss (of course I was just kissing the poster). I couldn't stop talking about the movie/him. I bet my friends got bored with me. I even had fights with my then boyfriend because he was so jealous of Brad Pitt!

Funny how we used to do these silly things when we were young, huh? Thank God I’m more matured now and don’t get obsessed with actors anymore. But one true fact remains: Brad Pitt is still hot!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

*cough*cough*..and memories of BTU Batch 9

My damn cough is back again. It puzzles me why every few months or so I’ll keep getting the same illness. It’s bloody irritating and tiring. Irritating because my throat feels so itchy that I feel like scrubbing it with berus dawai. Tiring because I can’t sleep at night due to the constant coughing (and you know how cranky I get when I don’t get enough sleep). And I’m pretty sure my officemates find it irritating too. Not only do they have to endure the ‘noise’ but risk being infected with germs that I’m spreading around. I’m trying to refrain myself from talking too much. I realized that the talking aggravates the coughing which leads to the never-ending coughing. *sigh*

Anyway, on an unrelated matter, last night I felt like going down memory lane and look back at old photos. These were photos with my scholar mates during the A-Level years in the UK. Gosh..we looked so young and innocent! I really miss those times. Flipping through the album, I couldn’t help but smile remembering all the memories. We were a pretty close bunch..all 20 of us (guys and girls). We loved to do everything together. Even though we went to different schools, we still kept in touch by writing each other letters/cards. The best time was when we met up in London during the weekends or holidays. We’d go ice-skating, hang-out at Hyde Park, roller-blade, watch movies, go sight-seeing, shopping, have our meals at the Malaysia Hall cafeteria, Mawar restaurant,etc..We just wanted to spend as much time together because we know things will be different when we go back to school. Since our families were way back in Malaysia, the bond that we had kept us strong and this made us not miss home too much.

But of course things kind of changed when we entered University and some of us started having relationships. We were busy with our studies and didn’t have as much time to hang out with each other. The gang kind of split and some of us just kept in touch with smaller groups. It’s even worse now that most of us are married and some don’t even work with the same company anymore. We still try to keep in touch as much as we can but we know we can’t have that same bond we used to have before. I guess that’s ok and understandable. Whatever it is, our memories together will still remain. And when I feel like reminiscing the old times, I’ll just go flip through them old albums. :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What can I say?

When the cat’s away, the mice will play.

It’s very rare to get all the bosses away from the office.

This is what’s happening for the next two days and let me tell you the exact feeling…


You can’t blame us for enjoying the moment, right? :)

What would you do?

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Hello everyone.

It’s been quite some time since I last posted an entry. Been too busy with work and couldn’t find a time to squeeze in some stories. Haven’t even had the time to read other blogs. No wonder my life feels kind of empty lately. Hehe..Like real je.

So what stories shall I share today?

Oh yes.. How can I forget about my dream last night? Nope, it wasn’t a wet dream or anything like that. No x-rated stories for you today. :) Anyway, I dreamt I was like Sydney Bristow (from Alias) and was in a fight with this bad, evil woman who in real life happens to be this person that most people around here are not quite fond of. So you can imagine how exciting it was for me to be able to kick her ass. It was so cool seeing myself doing all these kicks and punches…flying up in the air with all the acrobatic moves. Wow..I was so impressed with myself. And of course being the heroin of the story, I won! Now that’s what I call a kick ass dream.

I’ve been getting comments about being fat. The exact words being said are “you ni gemuklah”. Usually I don’t bother but when certain comments are repeatedly mentioned, you can’t help but start to wonder “how fat have I become?”. And of course, being human it sometimes does get to you. I know I’m no supermodel and don’t have that oh-so gorgeous figure that guys drool over but really, am I that fat? I mean, how fat? What are they comparing me against? To whom? What period? Before I was married? Before I had a baby? 1 year ago? 10 days ago? Ok, maybe I have put on a bit of weight after I had a baby but does that mean I’m fat? How fat is fat? I did calculate my BMI (Body Mass Index) and it does say that I’m still within the normal range. Maybe they’re just joking but surely there are some better jokes to tell. I certainly don’t say these things so I guess I don’t expect other people to say it to me. I mean I would never say out right to a person “you gemuklah”, friend or no friend. No matter how close. Not if it’s a joke and even if its true. If we say it out of concern for the person’s health, that’s a different story but even so, there’s still a nice way of saying it. Some things are better left unsaid, right? You guys may think I’m being overly sensitive about this but to me all of this is just common sense. Oh well, even if I am fat, what’s it to you?

We’re moving into the 2nd year of this newly-formed department and not much things have changed. Big boss is still at his crazy ways, being indecisive; keep changing directions, giving unnecessary remarks etc. We are really not motivated and it’s shocking that he has not noticed this. Or maybe he has and he’s just not bothered about it. Countless hints have been given, some have even openly provided feedback to him but still he doesn’t seem to care. We like our work but it’s just him we find hard to have chemistry with. Assignments get done, we work our asses off but its done out of loyalty to the department, to the other colleagues but not to him. It’s very common to hear the staff letting out their frustration and anger about him and this happens every day at the office without fail. Not really a good working environment to work at, huh? What else is there to do…either be patient about it and tolerate all the nonsense or start planning our next move now. As it is, we’re just taking it one day at a time, making best of what we have. Thank God I have great friends around me. Even with all the countless bitching, there’s still some laughter to share around. I guess that’s what keeps us strong each day.

Wish I had more time to write but I got to start work. Hope you’ll have a jolly good day.
Take care, you guys….

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Those 5 things..

Alas, this is the long over-due tag that NZN has been bugging me to complete. Sorry babe, it took so long. Anyway, here goes....

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire.
Frankly speaking, I cannot imagine myself being a millionaire so its kind of hard to imagine what I would do with it. Besides the obvious shopping spree that I might get into, I guess the other 4 things would be:
- Quit my job. No more stressful work
- Invest in properties. Must get more money, right?
- Be involved in charity work
- Donate to the needy

5 bad habits
- I eat when I’m bored or stressed.
- I bite my nails when I’m really nervous
- I tend to procrastinate
- I can be overly-worried about things that other people may think is petty
- I find it hard to say ‘no’. (Cepat kesian kat orang)

5 things I hate doing
- Having to be a ‘hypocrite’ to people I don’t like. I’d rather just avoid them
- Waiting for people
- Shopping at crowded places.
- Having to present something when I’m not prepared for it
- Rush into things

5 things I will never do
- Suck up to bosses
- Become a bully
- Cut my hair short
- Pose naked in magazines (hihi!)
- Do a Brazilian wax (yikes!)

5 things I regret doing
- The only thing I can think of right now is I regret not studying extra hard during my Uni days. I could have done better

5 favourite toys or things
- my handphone
- my newly bought camera (bought a day before raya!)
- my book collection. I love reading!
- my necklace & bracelet
- my car

Sekian, Terima Kasih. I can finally close this chapter. *phew*