..."we need not think alike to love alike"...Francis David....
Friday, August 25, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I had a dream..

Last night I dreamt I entered a beauty pageant. Ala-ala Miss Universe gitu...Haha..Don’t ask me why I dreamt that. Not that I’m even close to having the looks/height/talent to enter such a contest. Maybe it was a childhood dream yang tak kesampaian...Hihihi..
But in the dream, I memang terror gilalah. Terror to the point I was in the top 5!! (Haha..maybe I was the best amongst the worst). Anyway, everything went really well. Everything was superb. People were cheering and I could here them screaming "Miss Malaysia!!! Miss Malaysia!! Yeah!!!! Yeah!! ". *sigh* what a feeling that was :)
Before they announced the winners, the top 5 contestants (including yours truly) had to walk down these flight of stairs. We were all smiles, giving that typical Miss Universe wave to the audience. I was truly enjoying my moment until suddenly my dress got stuck on my heels. Apa lagi...Terguling-guling aku jatuh kat tangga tu. *Gedebuk..gedebuk...gedebuk...*. There was total silence after that. I guess everyone was in shock! Oh..the humiliation.......
Thank God it was a dream. I don’t think I can face another embarassing moment.
But what do you think the dream meant? Anyone good in interpreting dreams?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Beautician at Pasar Malam

Was at the pasar malam the other day and noticed this makcik selling cosmetic/make-up products.
What I found bizzare was that not only did she sell the typical pasar malam level brands, but also SKII products. And it looked like she almost had the complete set! Fuiyoo..terror makcik ni.
I didn’t take a closer look but from a glance, it kind of looked exactly the same as the ones sold at any beauty counters in Department stores (ie: Isetan, Parkson etc). Am not sure how much it costs but can guarantee it would be very much cheaper. If not, tak payah susah-susah jual kat pasar malam. Ye tak?
This whole thing made me laugh because the makcik wore something very ‘sempoi’, ie: just a tshirt and kain batik. No need to have a flawless face or have that professional image like the beauticians do. I wonder what her marketing strategy was...It was even funnier when she screamed out "Mari, mari....beli mekap..".
Anyway, no matter how much cheaper it may be, I don’t think I even want to try. Too risky. What if jerawat batu come out from my face? Errrk...I’ll just dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee................
Monday, August 14, 2006
Not so good Monday morning
They say its rude to stare. I agree but what if its a situation that you feel doesn’t make sense and totally out of your mind?
I was walking around one of the shopping malls in KL and passed by a family (parents with 3 kids) crowding around a dustbin. I was curious to what was going on and decided to take a closer look. What I saw amazed me and couldn’t help but stare with utter disbelief.
The father was holding an empty bottle (I assumed he took it from the bin). The mother was squating whilst taking off her son’s pants. They were trying to get their son to piss in the bottle! Can you believe it? Why oh why? Can’t they just walk to the toilet which is like 2 minutes away? What were they thinking of doing...Throw the bottle filled with their son’s piss back in the bin? Yucks...What kind of values are they trying to teach their kid? I mean I understand if they’re stranded at some remote area but this is a shopping mall...there’s bound to be toilets at every level. Gosh..I couldn’t believe my eyes. I left feeling disgusted. Now that was 2 minutes of my life wasted!
On an unrelated matter, I came to the office this morning and saw that my mug was moved from its normal place at my desk. Not only that, the mug was dirty with remnants of nescafe or milo..I distinctively remember not making any drinks last Friday and left my mug at its usual place before I left the office. Eh..pleaselah, if you wanna make coffee, use lah the mugs at the pantry..don’t go using people’s personal mugs from the workstation. And if you’re really that desperate to drink, at least have the decency to wash the mug! Urghh..pagi-pagi nak buat Trueblue marah....
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
...this is too hard...
Can't fight the feeling anymore
I'm tired
I'm sleepy
Had too much to eat
I wanna sleep......
....and dream of good things.................
Just five minutes will do....
*Trueblue dozing off*
Friday, August 04, 2006
don't cha
i'm not sure whether today is going to be my last day at the office. my due date is next sunday and tomorrow is my appointment to see my gynae. everyone at the office told me that i should be on mc the whole of next week. okay la, i try to ask for mc tomorrow. i have a bigger issue to think about besides than asking for mc. he wants to do an internal exam on me tomorrow, not quite sure what does that mean. according to NEAJ, she never experience that kind of internal exam (the one where docs and nurses poke their fingers to see how dilated u are) from him so i'm feeling ok today after days of fretting how does it feel to be poked there. unless, NEAJ says; i'm already in labour.
i wish i never have to go thru all this birthing process but it's way too late for me now.. some old school advise me against taking epidural but THAT equals to having ur root canal procedure without drugs.
between bouts of continous tummy pain and lower back ache, i have spoof another song. my bosses have taken off all assignment from me so all i do now is monitoring news. besides, there's a new staff (a girl) in our dept for them to tinker with.
u know i want it (u know i want it)
i know u do (i know u do)
thats why whenever i whine to you
ur nurse say we should induce you...
and u know i want it (u know i want it)
it's easy to see (it's easy to see)
and u tell me my cervix not dilated
go back to your room and practise breathing
(my gynae)
dont cha wish ur labour pain-free happy ?
dont cha wish i dont give u episiotomy ?
dont cha.. dont cha..
dont cha wish ur contractions short and sweet ?
dont cha wish u can have ur epi early ?
dont cha..dont cha...