I had a dream..

Last night I dreamt I entered a beauty pageant. Ala-ala Miss Universe gitu...Haha..Don’t ask me why I dreamt that. Not that I’m even close to having the looks/height/talent to enter such a contest. Maybe it was a childhood dream yang tak kesampaian...Hihihi..
But in the dream, I memang terror gilalah. Terror to the point I was in the top 5!! (Haha..maybe I was the best amongst the worst). Anyway, everything went really well. Everything was superb. People were cheering and I could here them screaming "Miss Malaysia!!! Miss Malaysia!! Yeah!!!! Yeah!! ". *sigh* what a feeling that was :)
Before they announced the winners, the top 5 contestants (including yours truly) had to walk down these flight of stairs. We were all smiles, giving that typical Miss Universe wave to the audience. I was truly enjoying my moment until suddenly my dress got stuck on my heels. Apa lagi...Terguling-guling aku jatuh kat tangga tu. *Gedebuk..gedebuk...gedebuk...*. There was total silence after that. I guess everyone was in shock! Oh..the humiliation.......
Thank God it was a dream. I don’t think I can face another embarassing moment.
But what do you think the dream meant? Anyone good in interpreting dreams?
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