Friday, August 04, 2006

don't cha

i'm not sure whether today is going to be my last day at the office. my due date is next sunday and tomorrow is my appointment to see my gynae. everyone at the office told me that i should be on mc the whole of next week. okay la, i try to ask for mc tomorrow. i have a bigger issue to think about besides than asking for mc. he wants to do an internal exam on me tomorrow, not quite sure what does that mean. according to NEAJ, she never experience that kind of internal exam (the one where docs and nurses poke their fingers to see how dilated u are) from him so i'm feeling ok today after days of fretting how does it feel to be poked there. unless, NEAJ says; i'm already in labour.

i wish i never have to go thru all this birthing process but it's way too late for me now.. some old school advise me against taking epidural but THAT equals to having ur root canal procedure without drugs.

between bouts of continous tummy pain and lower back ache, i have spoof another song. my bosses have taken off all assignment from me so all i do now is monitoring news. besides, there's a new staff (a girl) in our dept for them to tinker with.

u know i want it (u know i want it)
i know u do (i know u do)
thats why whenever i whine to you
ur nurse say we should induce you...
and u know i want it (u know i want it)
it's easy to see (it's easy to see)
and u tell me my cervix not dilated
go back to your room and practise breathing

(my gynae)
dont cha wish ur labour pain-free happy ?
dont cha wish i dont give u episiotomy ?
dont cha.. dont cha..
dont cha wish ur contractions short and sweet ?
dont cha wish u can have ur epi early ?
dont cha..dont cha...