One debt has cleared, with more to go....
This month is the month where I'll be able to pay off my old celcom debt and terminate that number for good !! It takes me nearly 3 years to clear the bill, phew...lega.. It was back in 2002 where my celcom bill shot up to 2k plus.. It was crazy and very scary.. I quickly stop using my celcom number and use another provider while at the same time paying that stooopid bill bit by bit.
During my paying-off-celcom-bill phase, I always encounter unpleasant experiences with celcom. You see, I always pay my bill with cheques using its accompanying self-addressed envelopes. Most often than not, celcom always delay in updating my bill and conveniently forgot about it. The peak of my rage happens (after I told them that they have not updated my bill when in fact, my cheque has been cleared) when they cheekily told me to show proof from my bank that the cheque indeed has been cleared. Wahhh...ingat I tak sekolah ke..? My bank statement is not enough proof ke ?? You know what they want ?? A duplicate copy of my cheque (that I have sent to them) from the bank that it is indeed been cleared. Of course, my bank officer won't have it, "Puan, bank statement ni dah cukup bukti cek puan dah clear.." I HATE CELCOM sebab memalukan I je kena minta benda yang bukan-bukan dari bank, grrrr....
Dengan bengangnya, I log to the Internet, find their HQ's general line and call to ask the address and fax number of their VP of Customer Service. I wrote a letter to her in full BM, telling her that since celcom is the biggest telco in Malaysia with widest coverage of network shit, I am sure they have sistem maklumat yang canggih berbanding syarikat telekomunikasi yang lain. Malangnya, masih tidak mampu mengemaskinikan akaun pelanggan. I even cc it to the CEO's office.
Good enough, they updated my bill within one week after I faxed my letter. Her PA called me up after that for details. I was already thinking of taking it into higher level if they did not respond to my letter. I thought of complaining to the consumer tribunal of ministry of consumer affairs plus thinking should I write to central bank as well ? Central bank yang tak de kena mengena pun I nak tulis jugak surat, hahaaa !! I have the right what ?! Here I am, trying to clear my debt to you and you do shitty things to me, that's not fair, isn't it ??
Sheesh..celcom has becoming a liability to me since then, giving me all these bad experiences. After that, I paid my bill using credit card and religiously keep all my receipts. So that I can throw those receipts to the stoooopid customer service clerk if ever they want more proof that I really have paid the bill.
Another thing, terminating my celcom account is important to me. It ends one of my contactable numbers that my old boyfriend has of me. Out of all my past relationships, the third and last one is something I'm not very proud of. I don't know about others but I just don't like it the way he still calls that number occasionally in the middle of the night. Kalau tak pukul 12 pagi, mesti 1 pagi.. It happens few times when I use my celcom sim card in my old handphone to do international calls while one of my family members went overseas.
His actions reminds me of Cypress Hills' song..."memories they haunt me, they follow me, they don't die..." I mean, okay if he wants to remain friends with me, the least he could do is being proper with it by not calling me in the middle of the night. Tapi kalau dia call siang hari sekalipun, I memang tak nak cakap dengan dia.. Sadly, I am still contactable by him through my office phone and office email address. I can't change those. That's fixed man, unless I resigned from my current company or relocate elsewhere outside KL.
After this, hopefully I can clear my credit cards' debt faster than my phone bill :-))
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