Thursday, April 20, 2006

wish i am single..

Seriously, I wish I am still single. Not married, not pregnant and definitely no in-laws to rub all the wrong things about/in/concerning my life and the upcoming baby. I hope I’m having a baby girl cos both my mother and youngest sister out-law are hoping for a boy. Our gynae thinks, most probably it's a girl after last week's scan. Sister annoyed us for asking why it’s not a boy ? (go and make your own baby boys). Mother praying hard for it to be a boy, (I boleh mengandung ni dah cukup bagus dah). I’m glad my mum has lots of grandkiddies that she couldn’t be bothered of the gender.

Make mommy’s wish come true this August, please...
With both flowering aloe vera and an unknown flower spring out of nowhere in my mum’s little garden, I sincerely hope I’m getting a girl. Only then, I can lose myself in Somerset Bay shopping for cute little, frilly dresses...
Some aspects of pregnancy are pretty crappy. For instance, constipation. According to my pregnancy bible, it’s because of those evil iron pill. They can turn mommy’s poop into iron of steel, so to speak..

More names coming up to me from annoying sister out-law : habib, bilal and habibah.

Can I unpregnant and unmarry myself now ??