Note to self: Be thankful
What a gloomy afternoon. It just started to rain. I wonder how Concreterose is coping with her teambuilding.. :). Am so jealous actually. I just love all these outdoor activities.
The office is pretty quiet. Boss hasn’t been bugging me much today, so I’m able to work at my own pace. I’ve got things to do but since its already Friday afternoon, I feel like relaxing a bit and think about things.
I’ve been waiting for something to happen for quite some time now. But damn it. Everything is just so slow. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you feel your life won’t be complete until you have it? I’ve been secretly blaming someone for this. I know its unfair coz this person doesn’t even know what I’m feeling or what I want. But I can’t help it. The bad side of me feels I have to put the blame on someone.Telling the person is a straight no-no, so I just have to wait and see how things go.
What is it that I want? Well, thats not really important. What I wanted to share is that I realised today how impatient I have been. I guess this gloomy weather forced me to do some reflection. Sometimes when we want something so badly, we tend to lose focus of what we have. We start being ungrateful or start blaming others if we don’t get it or feel that we are the unluckiest person on earth. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and think of what we have now and be grateful rather than go rushing for something thats uncertain. True, certain things may not be going our way now but we should not let that spoil the other good things thats happening in our life. I need to always remind myself..."Be thankful...". Now matter how crap we think things are going, somehow there's always someone else whose life is even worse. So, be thankful for all the little special things which happen around us and to us every day. I guess I shouldn’t be too obsessed with that thing I’ve been waiting for. After all, ‘Patience is key’. What’s important is to work hard towards that dream and InsyaAllah, if all goes well, I’ll get there.
My sister gave me this quote some time ago but I never got round to read it. I got the chance today and its just at the right time when I felt that I needed to change my perception on things.
Things you cannot lose-Ralph Marston
When you worry too much about losing something, you've already lost it.
For your worry prevents you from receiving any value out of whatever you're so
worried about losing.
Things do change, and what is here today may well be gone tomorrow.
You can worry and fret over that reality, or you can joyfully and lovingly make the
most of all you have right now.
The joy that you fully experience, you will not lose. The love that you live
and give, cannot be taken from your heart by any outside circumstance.
If you invest yourself too heavily in the fleeting, superficial things in
life, you'll be setting yourself up for a shattering disappointment when
those things are no longer with you. Instead, learn to treasure those real,
substantial, meaningful things that time and events cannot erase.
Get in the habit of fully living each day with meaning and purpose. You'll
find yourself worrying less about what you have to lose, and focusing more
on what you have to use.
Express gratitude for all you have by making the very most of it. And you'll
always have plenty to be thankful for.

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