Bye-Bye 2005
What? What? *blink* blink*After nearly 2 weeks of leave I refuse to believe I am back at work already!! *Still in the state of denial* Why does time fly by so fast when we are having fun? Sob-sob....
Although today is first day of work for 2006, I am officially declaring I am not gonna do any work. At least for today lah. I need time to get back to reality, recuperate and warm up my engine... Heheheh...Thank God SM is on Emergency Leave, so at least he won’t be bugging me today. The only other challenge is to avoid my manager. So far, he’s been sitting quietly at his desk. God knows what work he’s doing. Dedikasi sungguh boss I tu...
The first thing I did this morning, apart from checking the blog, is of course to check my email. After 2 weeks of leave, I expect to see loads of email. True enough, there was a long list of unread emails. I was thinking, " many emails...glamour jugak aku ni". Unfortunately, my ‘excitement’ wasn’t that long. Going through the list, I realised 80% of the emails were junk emails. Hmpphh....Buang masa je. And the rest of it were emails about work...Urghh...boring..boring...
By the way, since we are on the subject of babies, my sister in law is pregnant..again. And to think, she just delivered her son last April. God...that gives more pressure to me...
Oh well..better get back to doing nothing....
Happy New Year Everyone...Hope 2006 would be a great year for all of us.
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