Thank You Boss :)
Wednesday, 19 October 2005: It was a dull morning. Had to attend a budget training. Did I mention that I've been assigned to prepare A&G budget for the department? *sigh* The trainer went really fast..I was panicking, trying to follow his direction. Why oh why can't they have separate classes for new budget preparers? Went back to the office and found out I have to submit the budget input to the budget coordinator next week.Yikes...My heart was beating so fast. I don't understand why the submission of planning and budgeting can't be done together. It doesn't make sense la.
The only highlight of the day was our department's buka puasa session at Suria. Doing non work related stuff together is always fun in our department. Coincidentally, the film Pontianak 2 dia some launching at the restaurant. We were kind of excited coz its not every day we get to see celebraties :). After eating for some time, Maya and Kavitha finally came out to do interviews with some reporters. Of course me, E and CL became a bit 'jakun'. We got to take pictures with Maya! Its not that I really like Maya but sajela..nak memeriahkan suasana :)
Anyway, the best part was when the big boss said "Hmmm...I think *trueblue* and E are much prettier than Maya". Us, prettier than the gorgeous Maya? Wowwwwwwww...Even if the whole world thinks Maya is pretty, the fact that one human being thinks I'm prettier than her, is good enough already.Hahahaha... Of course me and E got ever so perasan and was grinning the whole time.
With all the stress about budget, at least the day ended with a few laughs and most importantly, a compliment from the big boss. Yipeeeeeeeeeee.....
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