Happy Puasa, darlingsss.....
Where's Mrs Jones? Are you still thinking of juicy stories to tell us?
Come on..we're suppose to keep this blog alive people!!!
Anyways, I got back from the teambuilding on Saturday evening and my body is still aching all over.The funny thing is we didn't do any physical activities. I think maybe we had a strenuous karaoke activity 2 nights in a row. You guys should see our SMs and GM dancing and singing away that night. It was hillarious!!
Esok dah puasa...Cepatnya...Must make sure we have our buka puasa session together-gether again this year.
Today is my dad's birthday..Gotta go down and get him presie.Selamat Berpuasa you guys...I'll be extra busy this month because of budget *groan* *grrrr*
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