The revenge of Miss Goody Two Shoes
I don't know why I get extra sensitive every time this guy comes over to my place and start commenting on my looks etc. I know I'm just suppose to ignore but the fact that he's done it a few times, makes me want to scream. Am I really that ugly???
Typical conversation at my workstation:
Guy A: Hi...Busy?
Me: Hmm..Oklah.....
We start talking about some stuffs until he starts with his comments..
Example 1
Guy A: You tak eloklah pakai shirts to office..haaa, kalau E pakai cantik..
Example 2
There was one time we were talking about food...
Guy A: Kena control makan sikit, tak boleh makan banyak sangat..tengok, b****t you besar....
Example 3
He was looking at my old photos...
Guy A: Eh, you nampak tuala sekarang. I rasa you ni memang cepat nampak tua. Your sister looks younger than you
Example 4
We were talking and he saw my hands
Guy A: Tengok tangan banyak urat la. Cepat nampak tua ni...
Example 5
I was using my pashmina as a tudung
Guy A: Tadi, you ke yang pakai tudung tu...?Hmm...tak eloklah, nampak macam makcik...
Arghhhhhhhhhh!!! That was the last straw la. Maybe to you guys, its nothing. But I can't stand it anymore. The thing is, I notice its always me who gets the remarks...
Me: Don't you have anything nice to say to me? Why is it everytime you come to my workstation, there's always a comment?
Guy A: Takdelah, I cakap je. Anyway, its just facts..
He realised that I was pissed and left.
He didn't talk to me for a few days until today suddenly he came over..
Guy A: Hi..How are you?
Me: Depends..if you have any nasty comments about me
Guy A: Mana ada I bagi komen, i baru nak ckp hello..tak baik la you..
Me: You do give me comments!! You just dont realise it..I'm just giving you feedback
He looked a bit upset and surprised with my remarks. Kesian pulak tengok...but no, I have to be strong. Sometimes I feel that I can be a bit too nice to people and dont say much that people take advantage of me. I need to learn to defend myself and speak up.
Its the new me..Hehe..Yeah right, we'll see about that kan..
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