Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Close encounter of the egg kind

July 12th, 2005

A little after one year of wedding bells with no sign of morning sickness, I decided to go for a gynaecological check up at one of KPJ’s hospital uptown in KL.

My gynae is quite baffled that I’m concerned of not being pregnant yet although we’re only been married a little over one year but a look of understanding dawned upon her face when I told her my age... She took down my last month menstruation’s date, how long it lasts and how frequent we copulate in a week.
Her nurse quickly took my blood pressure readings. Dr. F prescribed me on clomid and I was on the prescription for 3 months

September 24th, 2005

This month, she is supposed to prepare me for an IUI procedure but she’s not around on my appointment day. When her relief gynae performed the customary vaginal scan, she could not find my egg.
I was already uncomfortable cos it’s taking longer than usual and having my nether region being poked and probed on for the elusive egg is not really eggs-citing.

Finally, she told me she can only see my egg being half the size it should be. She told me to come back 2 days after that and see Dr A, the fertility specialist.
Dr. A can’t find my egg too as she scanned my left and right ovaries.. I was already uncomfortable and wished that she end that scan RIGHT THEN. She finally resigned and told me that the egg is nowhere to be seen and all she can see was massive existence of fluid around the follicles. She concluded that I have ovulated and should copulate around this time to be pregnant as soon as possible.

She instructed my significant other to come back the next Saturday for a sperm count test. Then, right after Hari Raya, she will perform the feared, infamous tubal dye test to check for any blockage in my Fallopian tube. Infamously feared because two of my friends had gone through it and they testified that it’s a major pain in the nether region. Sers took 4 pills of pain killer that morning of the test but forgot to pop it after the test. Guess what ? She can’t walk properly for the next 2 hours and writhed in pain on the clinic’s couch while her husband patted and soothed her, feeling helpless.

My search for the egg goes on but now am taking one month’s respite due to fasting month..good luck to me...meanwhile, I have to mentally prepare myself for this coming Raya with Penang’s clan of rib-poking and direct questioning of my childless marriage...but that’s another story altogether *sigh*