Back already?
Today is my first day in the office after about 10 days of Hari Raya leave. I’m still not sure whether it feels good to be back at work. For one thing, it’s great because I can slow down on stuffing myself with god-knows all sorts of food. I think I must have put back on a kilo or two. Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! So much for losing some weight during the fasting month, huh?
On the other hand, am also not looking forward to start back the routine of long discussions, meeting the bosses, you know..those boring work stuff. Its 8.15 am now and I can already imagine the pile of work that’s coming for this week. *groan*
Oh well…we can’t win everything, right? I am just going to take it slow today. Surely the boss would understand that most of us are still in the raya mood. Eh, come to think of it, boss will only be back to work on Wednesday. Yey…I have 2 extra days to enjoy myself. Ok, mission for the next two days is to ‘look like busy’.
Happy working everyone…or for some of us, berlakon jelah….Hihi!!

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