Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The long lost poem

I found this poem while cleaning up the other day. Something I wrote about a friend many, many moons ago. She had some problem in her life back then and it was sad seeing how difficult it was for her. We have lost touch with each other and I have no clue where she is now. I hope she has found her happiness and that her troubles have gone away.

As you can see I’m not an expert writer. It was just an attempt to express my feelings. Sounds childish, I agree...but like I said, I did it a gazillion years ago.

She felt trapped
She wanted to leave
No matter what she did
Her mind wasn’t at ease

When will it stop?
She often asks
The clock is ticking
She needs to move fast

People keep talking
Oh, shut up, she says
Mind your own business
Just buzz off, go away!

She wants to be happy
She wants to be free
Be patient, I told her
The time will come, you’ll see

No matter how bad
Or unfair the world may seem
You still have your family
Who loves you dearly

I wish her the best
I pray she’ll succeed
No matter what happens
Her friend, I’ll forever be